25 February 2009

hati kita~

dipetik drpd mjlh SOLUSI-isu no4
Beating Heart

buat renungan bersama
Valentine mechanical
kata Imam Ghazali: "Carilah hatimu sewaktu membaca al Quran. Jika kamu tidak temui, carilah hatimu ketika mengerjakan solat. Jika kamu tidak temui, carilah hatimu ketika duduk bertafakur mengingati mati. Jika kamu tidak temui jua, berdoalah kepada Allah, pinta hati yang baru..."


jangan berlengah lagi..

salam buat semua..
mari klik di sini utk terus ke..

Laman Web Rasmi Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi

atau klik terus di sini..

Laman Web Rasmi Kemasukan Ke Ipta

mulakan dengan bismillah..
isilah dengan bijaksana dan berhati-hati.
(skema sggh!)

23 February 2009

trip to visit elephante


rise n shine to all..

Yesterday was a tiring yet a great day to me. Hulwa's kindergarten, Tunas Pintar held a trip to Kuala Gandah, Lancang. My mother would never let her to go alone, so, as an eldest-got nothing to do sister, i accompanied her. We went there by bus. Ohh, forgot to mention that we're in Group 6, da pinky one. Pinky?? yeahh, we had to wear a 'bracelet' kinda. Juz for da safety causes.

inside da bus..
We went there on 9am sharp and arrived Lancang for about 3 hours. Along da way to Lancang, it took us several times to stop, you know kids. When they had to 'go'. They had to go!. Hu3. When we arrived, everybody had to wear a sticker on their shirts just as an initial. It was something like this.

Blurr haa?? Still shocked maybe.

The kids were totally excited!. Kids were always being active. Their natural habits. My sister got excited too. But her face did'nt show it all. She's being bluring. I dont know, maybe she felt weird as she was with me instead of being with my mother and our family. Hu3. I dont mind, as it was all a part of learning for a kid.

One thing about Hulwa that no one in my family had when we're on her age, she got the chances to visit many exciting places on her age. What a lucky kid. She's the odd, special odd in da siblings. Everybody was 2 years apart but she was 4 years apart after Hannan. Ok, back to real thing. Kuala Gandah was deep in the jungle. One of the attraction in Pahang. There we're so many people there, weekend,no doubt la. So, the excitements where we got to feed da elephants by ourself. Da best part was, Hulwa was the bravest kid at there you know. She forced me to go near to the elephants.

Even i was quite afraid to go near but still she dragged me to the baby elephants. So, to make it more interesting for her. i bought tebu at the small stall near to us. The elephants ate tebu?? yup, but they had to step on it first cause it was hard to eat.tebu for rm2

after finishing da tebu, so, we bought bananas for real. Hulwa eagerly wanted to touch and fed them. Compare to tebu and nuts bananas were easier to give.

bananas for rm4

then,we bought some nuts for rm2.70But TRUST me it was so hard for me to let the trunk to suck in the nuts through my bare hand. wooo~ no way. Juz imagine da slimy-wet-long trunk with two hole wanted to suck in food from your bare hand. I juz couldnt dare enough to do so. Maybe only the men, coz all the ladies there wont do it. Not enough courage kot.

Then we visited the bapak elephant.

After that, we had a lunch together with da teachers n all the kids. Nasi Lemak Ayam n tea. HU3. Coincidently, juz da same food as umi brought for lunch. Nyum.

After lunch, there were some shows from da elephants. Watching them took their bath in the river near to us.

Then, we packed all things together and we headed back home.But we have'nt solat zohor yet. I wanted to ask for it, then, they said we'll stop at Temerloh for solat. Inside the bus, we sat beside husna, sweet girl. We shared foods untill they slept of tired. I slept too.

In Temerloh, i rushed down to solat quickly just because i did'nt to wake Hulwa from her sleep. Surprisingly, she still slept when i came back. Hu3. Its alrite. Then, we watched a horror movie, BERANAK DALAM KUBUR an indonesian movie untill we reached kuantan. Alhamdulillah, everything went smoothly.

That's all from me. Hopefully, i could spent more quality time with my family.
It was just irresistable.
May allah bless us all.