07 January 2012

Random : Romantik nyeww~~!

Bismillahi as-solatu was salamu a'la Rasoulillah

Saidah Fathi dan Saidah Jayid. Dua besties saya di sini. Kebetulan sahaja nama mereka sama. Tapi merekalah sumber kebahagiaan saya sama seperti makna nama mereka. 

Lately kalau nak jumpa Saidah Jayid mahu pun Saidah Fathi, mesti masing-masing sibuk dengan "teman" mereka sampaikan kita dilupakan.. haish.. = = ''  Ya lah.. sorang dah 7 tahun bercinta, sorang lagi tengah dilamun cinta.Ok. Fine. Tak kisah pun sebenarnya pasal "teman" mereka itu. The random things yang saya nak cakap tulis adalah berkaitan ayat-ayat romantis dalam sms.

Kullama. Everytime. Setiap kali. Saya baca sms diorang (which diorang yang nak tunjukkan ok!) mesti saya nak termuntah punyalah. Bukan literally, tapi betul-betul nak termuntah. Satu gelojak yang kuat datang dari perut memaksa diri untuk terbatuk-batuk memaksa sesuatu untuk keluar. Tapi sebenarnya loya semata.

Seriously, ayat-ayat cinta dalam Bahasa Arab sangatlah manis sampaikan boleh kena jumpa doktor gigi sebab gigi berlubang ataupun masuk wad sebab kencing manis akibat high amount of sweetness consumed! Oh Tuhan. Walaupun dalam Bahasa Darijah tetap kalimah-kalimah tersebut tidak selayaknya dilafazkan buat masa ini.

7ubbi (hubbi) = cintaku [agaknya hubby tu omputih amek dr orang Arab kan?]
ya ahla min 3asl = wahai si manis yang lebih manis daripada madu
qalbi = hatiku
wardi = bunga ros ku

Dan lain-lain ayat pemanis mulut yang tak sempat saya baca sebab dah tertolak henset tu ke mereka. Tak larat nak baca takut termuntah betul-betul. Kalau dah namanya perempuan pastikan cair dek kata-kata cinta bersulam rindu itu. Bluerkk.

"Oh COME ON Husna!! You are exaggerating~ ~ " kata Saidah Fathi si budak English Department.

"Deary, I dont mind if these words were said if  a halal relationship is going on. But the fact is that you are not even married that whats me feel like ewww" balas saya. Geli-geliman dibuatnya. 

 Sangat random penulisan saya kali ini, cuma nak kata, Bahasa Arab itu sangat puitis bahasanya tapi sayang kalau kita tak faham bahasa ini apabila membaca surat-surat cinta daripada Sang Pencipta.

قالوا:مسكين من لا يعرف الإنجليزية..قد يواجه صعوبة في فهم كلام الناس
  وأقول:مسكين من لا يعرف العربية..قد يواجه صعوبة في فهم كلام رب الناس
They said : Poor him. He doesn't know English. It must be tough for him to understand others.
But I say :  Poor him. He doesn't know Arabic. It must be tough for him to understand God's words

Mereka berkata: Kasihan sesiapa yang tidak tahu Bahasa Inggeris, pasti dia menghadapi kesusahan dalam memahami kata-kata manusia.
Tetapi saya kata: Kasihan sesiapa yang tidak tahu Bahasa Arab, pasti dia menghadapi kesusahan dalam memahami kata-kata Tuhan manusia.

Tapi kalau baca pun tidak, masakan kita nak faham kalimah cinta Sang Pencipta kalau step pertama untuk membaca pun kita tak mulakan? Lebih memalukan lagi, kalau dah belajar Bahasa Arab dah reti baca dengan bertajwid tapi masih malas nak selongkar kalam suci Tuhan. Shame on you lah beb~ ~ (panggg..!! terkena  lempangan kat muka sendiri)

Maka cubalah kita kirimkan “sms” atau titipkan “surat” ke penghuni langit dan saksikanlah sendiri, apakah ada penghuni langit yang sudi atas dasar kasihNya pada kita- membalas “sms” atau “surat'' itu?

Yok kawan-kawan, baca surat cinta Sang Pencipta. 

Rasulullah pernah bersabda :
“Sebaik-baik kamu adalah orang yang belajar (membaca) al-Quran dan mengajarnya.” 
(Hadis riwayat al-Bukhari)

p/s: men mesej-mesej ngan suami time dia outstation mesti lagi sweet kan? ^^

06 January 2012

Terima kasih Ilahi

 Bismillahi as-salaatu was-salaamu a'la Rasoolillah

Seinfiniti kesyukuran itu hanyalah buat Allah tanpa mengira waktu dan ketika kita di dunia. Berjalan pulang ke rumah hari ini seperti hari-hari sebelumnya juga. Ringan bagaikan berjalan di atas awan. Tiap kali sesuatu tugasan mahupun imtihan dapat dilaksanakan dengan baik walaupun keputusannya masih belum diketahui, selalu akan ada satu perasaan yang amat menenangkan menyusup genap ruang kalbu. Hati terasa amat tenang, dada terasa sangat lapang . Subhanallah.

Waktu itu berkali-kali harus diingatkan semula pada diri. Inilah ujian bagi mereka yang mendapatkan kesenangan. Sesungguhnya rasa tenang itu adalah antara nikmat yang kita selalu lupa untuk mensyukurinya. Lihat dan bandingkan keadaan saudara seakidah kita yang sentiasa dalam keresahan, kerisauan dan ketakutan ditindas kuffar. Dibandingkan pula dengan keadaan kita maka sememangnya Allah ingin melihat sama ada hambaNya mahu bersyukur ataupun tidak. Sejauh mana hambaNya kembali berterima kasih atas nikmat pemberianNya.

Namun, bersyukurlah jua wahai diri andai ujian menimpa, keresahan jiwa melanda atas kesusahan dalam urusan dunia. Sungguh Allah mahu melihat sejauh mana kamu kembali merayu mengadu kepadaNya. Meminta bantuan dan pertolongan atas nama kesabaran.

Dan mintalah pertolongan (kepada Allah) dengan jalan sabar dan mengerjakan sembahyang; dan sesungguhnya sembahyang itu amatlah berat kecuali kepada orang-orang yang khusyuk;

Sentiasalah kita membaiki tanggapan terhadap Sang Pencipta. Kerana "Sesungguhnya Allah berfirman: "Aku sebagaimana prasangka hambaku kepada-Ku. Aku bersamanya jika ia berdoa kepada-Ku." [HR.Turmudzi]

Dan (ingatlah) ketika Tuhan kamu memberitahu: “Demi sesungguhnya! Jika kamu bersyukur nescaya Aku akan tambahi nikmatKu kepada kamu, dan demi sesungguhnya, jika kamu kufur ingkar sesungguhnya azabKu amatlah keras”.

الحمدلله على كل حال مهما كان الحال
No matter what happens, never forget to say Alhamdulillah.
Praise be to Allah.


Ya Allah, Permudahkanlah urusan keluargaku, urusan sahabat-sahabatku, serta urusan umat Islam keseluruhannya, sebagaimana Engkau telah memudahkan urusanku. Alhamdulillah.

01 January 2012

Love is Blind

 Bismillahi as-salaatu was-salaamu a'la Rasoolillah

Pardon me for my poor English. Its been a while since the last time I'm writing a post using this language. =)

The wise men say, "Love is blind" and every letter of it stands true. 

Last Tuesday, Saidah came to my house after weeks we didn't get to sit down and talk.

Saidah tried her best convincing me about her current situation. Hoping that somehow I will agree with her in the so-called-topic of love. 

"Husna, what will you do if somebody confessing his love to you..and you're also having a crush on him but both of you are not mentally and financially ready for any commitment nor having intention in getting marry."

My answer would be, 

"First of all, if I am ready for marriage, I will ask him to meet my parent. But if I am not ready yet to marry, I will simply tell him that he can choose to wait for me or simply move on and try forget about me, just find another woman that suits him better. "

Saidah's eyes nearly pop out of the socket.

"OH, Its IMPOSSIBLE! There's no way that you will let him go. Both of you like each other"

I looked back at her saying,

"I just dont believe in love before marriage. I mean, if being in love is about going on a date, text messaging each till late night, lovey-dovey call saying 'I Love You, I Miss You', its just rubbish." 

Clearly she's not agreeing with my reply,

"How would you marry someone when you are not in love with him. Its just impossible to get marry to somebody that you havent met before"

Answering her question, 

"That's why in Islam we have Khitbah. The period of time for a couple that planning on marriage to get to know each others. Getting to introduce themselves with a third person accompanying. Not by wasting our time carelessly on a date or so on."

Saidah still explaining her best for me to believe that being in love is necessary nowadays. It has become a norm which everybody must have a couple. I tried to explain to her both in Arabic Language and English Language till I got nothing to say anymore but to throw some questions for her to answer. 

" Saidah, what will you benefit from this?" with a stern voice yet a smiley face plastered I asked her.

" I would be so happy and .... " she left speechless without answer.

فقط؟؟؟  means " That's it?, Is it the only thing?" .

"Okay, what if you die, what would you say to Him in the next world about how you spent your life before Him."

and I throw another question just trying to get her imagination run far away through the future. 

" What if you did'nt get to marry Mehdi in the future. And let just imagine this, you are married  to another person. One day, both of you went shopping to Marjane and suddenly you saw Mehdi just before you. Wont you feel something weird inside?"

She just shook her head  in denial.

" Well, he must be understand that I'm now married, so he wont come over me." 

"I asked her back, Though both of you shared some feeling back then?, Oh it must be difficult right?"  

The fact that I love to see Saidah being happy is far more than satisfying cause I can never feel the hardness that she's going through right now. But I couldn't agree with her choosing to be in a relationship that will only make her even farther than Allah as an escape or exit door for the problems she faced. 

Cause I simply dont want her to hurt even more. 

Teenagers always run in a circle with a dull, simple set mind in searching for true love in life. Thus, we always try to look forward meeting the right guy and the right girl for us. But what we forget is that, the teenage life that we live actually far beyond the goal that we set in mind.

I am always fail to benefit my time wisely. Nevertheless, I am trying my best to be a better muslimah day by day. There are plenty of things we havent done yet in our life and we havent done enough for Islam.

I should'nt be worrying about my future husband. But I should be worrying whether I am ready to become a good wife and a mother to my children in the future. Later then, the time will eventually come when my dear  future husband, my other half step into my life. Because He already promised me and He knows the best for me.

This is nothing as to compare to Allah's satisfaction.

I should be worrying the most whether Allah loves me or not. Does He satisfied with me? Have I done enough in pleasing Him? Have I done enough repenting all the wrongdoings and all the sins that I made before? Did I spend most of my time in searching for His bless or only seeking only for His anger?.

Is Allah satisfied?

All I'm trying try to say is that Love before marriage is not forbidden in Islam. But how we lead the love towards Allah is far more important rather than fooling around being in love carelessly and we might end up being hurt.

Dear Saidah, I couldnt give you the best answer but I stumble upon Aiman Azlan's status this morning,

Someone told me, 
"I have a boyfriend. I want to marry him but we aren't able to marry yet. Our parents won't approve."

I am with the parents on this one. Lesson: Don't start what you can't finish. Lower your gaze and protect your private parts. Practice fasting, it will be a protection for you.

Prevention is better (and much less painful) than cure.

and I really have to agree with him. ( =

p/s: I love you fillah!