01 March 2009

Karnival UPU~

salam..on 1st march 2009..i had so much fun today..promised wif hajar to go UMP on 10 am..suddenly adilah called..she said that she wanted to go there with me..i said..ok..its great..
straight away charged da camera's battery..waiting for adilah to arrive..i made a drink for her..hu3..but then..when she arrived..
i forgot EVERYTHING..
No Camera to UMP..
No drink was served..
Husna..u're such forgotfull..
Its soooo great to be with my soul mates..
Then..when we stepped in to da hall..hajar n adilah shouted..
i said..
there...they pointed to me..still..i didnt see him..
no doubt la he is a cute-small-pint sized man..
being so attractfull until crowded with many people..juz like an artist maa..
but then..gurls..let us proceed..i said..
soo wandering la to all da booths..so many booths..as far as my eyes could see..

but then..
so..cant picture that place well..sadly..
to kisasianz..
guess what..we met our SUPER SENIOR! he was a lecturer and 1 of da moderator in IPTIPs
we went there..then there's a man came to us..he asked.."skula mana nih??
"abang nih KISAS gak.."
he patted on somebody..a nice-songkok man headed to us..
"KISAS gak ke..?"yeah..said me n adilah..
funny..he didnt say anything bout his booth..he was in 509..spm 2000..
he asked n asked bout KISAS..so..we said everything that we knew..
all da controversial happened..
yet..we didnt asked his name..excited maybe..
pity for hajar,,she was liked startled for a while..ha-ha-ha..sorry hajar..i think maybe it'll happened..everytime..when senior n junior met..
agaknya la..
double combo for a day..i met irsyadianz..
adilah said to me.."isnt,that kamil over there??"
but then its turned out to be
Fahmi, Asyraf n Hassan wif their skulmates..
i told them bout yaumul ihtifal yesterday..
then we chatted for a while..and continue wandering
plus..not to forget alia n azza n farahin..and many samrtians there..met n greet n left..
we took last view on DR FAIZ KHALED..adilah didnt wastes her time without snapping da doctor's picture..such a memorable moment..for hajar n adilah laa kan??..
one thing that attracted us was UPNM..
for us it was great..elaun for every month..hmm..nearly a thousands..
and da only university in malaysia that contained more MEN than WOMEN
trust me..she said so..
da sister PHEI described everything..tanx sis..
before we headed back..we bought some snacks n beverages..ayah n hulwa waited for us outside..so..we headed back home..
hajar n adilah tanx a lot for da great day..
7 n 8 of march kuantan parade..karnival mara plak..
kp..wait for us..
insya allah we will go there..
that's all for now.


28/2 :yaumul ihtifal+mega mall

yesterday n 2day was a tiring-full of activity day for me..
but then,it was thrilling bcoz i got da chanced to meet
my teachers n fwenz from irsyad!!

ooo yaa..
yaumul ihtifal is like certificate giving ceremony..
i went there wif syafika..
my fwen in irsyad..

irsyad had changed a lot compared to our days..
da painted buildings..
extra-big- new surau..
and many more..

but da lovely muallim n muallimah still there..
well..not all of them laa..
but then, they're we soo awet muda..
anyhow..i respect their courageous spirit teaching students there..
with da unpredictable salary they got..
they depending on the parents whether they pay the fee or not..
yes..not all of them are able and afford to do so..
yet,,they want their children to have the islamic introduction in life..
sekolah rendah islam al-rsyad kuantan..
one of the best resort..

i have 7 siblings..
6 of them including me studied in that school..
that noble place was memorable for me and others..
eventhough we were too young..
but after 5 years apart..
when we meet da old-long time no see frenz..
its speechless..
everybody seemed to be so-so-so diffrent..
i dont know..
for me..yes..

here some pics from a day in irsyad..
it will tell everything..


rabiautul(tmn islam tganu),
zulaiha(sma irsyad),
kautsar(sma irsyad),
sarah(sma irsyad),
syafika(sma ihsan),
khairunnisa(sm teknik bentong)
me??(kisas la..)

hanis got da first place in 3 ruqayyah class..
hannan got da 2nd place in 1 abu bakr..

dearies hanis n hannan..cleverer than i am..hu3..

sharp on 1015 am i had to go..
my last english class awaiting for me..
unfortunately, madam was late..
sadly for her, she's having a strong fever,
she had to went for the doctor first then to uia..

amir came out with an idea saying about da trip..
he wanted us to go to his house..
but as i expented and already told them bout this..
it was a NO from my parents laa..
then..madam arrived, she lost her voice..
oh..im so pity for her..

syafika joined our class that day..
farhani was soo not in da mood..
so..we went to mega mall..
wandering around in kurungs..
we walked from uia to mega..
fuhhh..bole kurus lama-lama..
its okay for us..

you know..
not everyday we got da chance to go out wif each other kan??
wanted to watch UPIN IPIN..
sadly..it was on 430 pm..
dont want la go back home late..
soo..as to fullfill the tiredness..
we went for a chinesse movie..
humour-action movie kinda..

then we went home wif hajar's parents..
they're soo cool..
lifting us until infront of our house..
eventhough it was tiring..
it was paid..


27 February 2009

ampun maaf dipinta..

i dedicate
this post to all my family, teachers and fwens..

last night im having a dream of us (dak kisas) being in d
a dewan besar or also known as dewan muttaqin muthaqqafin *as told by azim...
still echoing in my mind that puan haznah was giving a speech..
and da words were like these.."pada tahun lepas KISAS berada di tangga 1,2,3 dalam sbp.."
oohh..i just cant get it out of my mind..
i dont know why..
not to mention meeting da twin (nabilah n nabihah too)..
they came to my house..somehow, they chat wif me too..and its seem so real.

huh..i dont know..

but then, i was thinking this again n again n again..
i want to say "I'M SORRY" to all..

to da greatest family of all..
umi n ayah..
hanif, hilmi, huda, hani, hannan, hulwa..

im always grateful of having a great family..
somehow i will always be a troublesome..
but juz to let u know..
i will neva giv up being an anak solehah n kakak yg baek..
i will try my best till da last breath..
i luv all of u..n always pray for me..
pliz forgive my stupidity n mistakes that i've done..
again n again n again..
may allah bless us all forever


to all dedicated teachers n staffs..
Tadika Umi Walidah..
u taught me to read, count, n tipz on how to live usefully..
patiently teaching me..
there is no wrds 4 me to describe..
pliz forgive me n pray 4 ur students' success..
may allah bless all of u..


to all my luvely fwens mslmn Boyn mslmt Girl 1....

before its too late for me.. i wud luv to ask for ur apologies..yeahh.. i really mean it..and i dedicate this to all..kisasians o smartians o irsyadians o my bloggers fwenz plus anybody who recognize me..through these unforgettable years that we've spent together..i know that im such a lousy fwenThumbs Down..
and i know sometimes n somehow i am so irritatingFrown t
o all of u..

xspecially those who had been my classmates..
ey knew really-really-know..
who am i..
click me ..

always sneezing n disturbing evrybody..

im sorry..
and i wud love to dedicate my appreciationsRaining Hearts to all for always-always being such nice-great fwens to me..
tanx for teaching n showing me my mistakes and neva giv up to tell me da truth..eventhough its hurt me n made me cried Teary.. i really appreciate that..seriously..and
its truly useful enough for me to proceed my life wif experiences and maturity..insya allah, i'll always remember..

before this i had noI Dunno idea why they're keep saying bout ukhwah fillah..but now i know..when we kept thinking Ponderand appreciating including missing each other..plus, when da fwen reminding us to our almighty and get closer to him, i guess thats describe what ukhwah fillah mean..but, hey..everybody hav their own thoughts bout fwenship rite??

babbling enough i think..tanx 4 reading.,and do remember.. i am really-really-really serious about da apology thingy..pliz forgiv me k..and halalkn mknChicken Wings minomSoda Cup too
(dunno how to say in eng)..
and i warn u to neva eva forget me ..

or else..
hu3..juz kiddin..

here are da lists of..

my luvly sooul mates..
hajar n i

alia, adila, mua

hamizah n me

hajar, fatimah, khairunnabilah, adilah, alia, hamizah z(mua cousin)
we had started not knowing each other..
and we didnt plan it to be like this..
but through obstacles n hard time of my life..u'll always show da way..
and through happiness n secrtess..we'll share together..
tanx accepting me..
da real me..
for who i am..

my dormmates for life (dfl) dearies for life
amira, alia, nik laila, farah, huda, wana, insyirah, fatimah, mahirah, ain, liyana, haida-dada, sharifah rodziah, syazwani, adila, akma yana, siti juwairyah, farahin-pain, nadhirah, ainina..
i wil neva-eva-eva forgett all of u..
tanx 4 avrything!!
yeahh..those sweet moments we shared together in huda's house da fighting2..da crying2 together..
made me even mature..
im soooo sorry for being a terrible k-d..
luv all till da end~

my luvly classmates..403 n 503
all mslmn 503+mslmn 403..
atiqah, syara, mija, isma, farihah, sabrina, ct zulaiha, saadiah, rifhannisa, syurah, aisyah, wana, khairunnabilah, nazierah, hawa, wina, mahirah, rabihah, imtinan..
wud be da wildest class in kisas..
my classmates were soo speciall..
ive learned many things from them too..
yeahh..they know who i am in da class..
da sneezy thingy..
sorry bout that..
tanx for evrything too..
pliz forgive all my silly mistakes

to all mslmt kisas

xspecially to prefects board, khalidians..
i am not a good prefect n many times made mistakes..
neither a good fwen too..
but all of u had taught me da real ukhwah fillah..
may our fwenship lasts forever..n forgive me for all my mistakes..

beloved partner, adek n akk usrah..
kak fatihah jumidi, siti faridah (p), sabariah, sarah n dayah~
da spices that add goodness in life..
having all of u give me a chance to become better..

pani n husna..hu3..eng class in uia was soo memorable
all of u simply da best laa~
not forgetting hajar,
amir, asyraf, firdaus, harith, shahmi, ashiq
madam hayati..
till we meet again~

to all mslmn kisas..
eventhough i do not recognize all of u..vice versa..not many of u noe me..but then, i do made a lot of mistakes to all of u.. all da misunderstood, quarelled that mayb ocurred was so precious..
tanx n forgive me..

to all smartians..
smart taught me alia n adila on how to survive in da real world..
we r lucky for having da great 3 years there..
classmates in 1d,2d,3g..
especially aliah, fatin n, ahla, fatin s, syepah, sab, huda, saiyodah sara, nabilah, fatienah, shakirah, atiyah, azierah, n all da boys
really great knowing all of u..
forgive me too..

to irsyadians..
we were soo young b4 this..
but i hope..we'll neva forget each other..

tank-q for reading..
may our ukhwah n mahabbah lasts for ever..
n may allah bless us all..
and i pray to allah for rahmah n maghfirah showering us all..
luv all..Morphing Heart


p/s: neva stop praying for others too..may success be wif us fiddunya wal akhiroh..insya allah..