07 March 2009

Karnival MARA~

Salam to all,.
To day I went out again with my lovely friend, Hajar. Somehow, we were wearing the same colour of shirts. Green.

We went to Kuantan Parade as the Karnival Of Mara Zon Timur was held there.

The same environment and pictures just like in UMP. But this carnival was basically about furthering study using scholarships from MARA either studying in local or oversea. From my point of view, those who love to further their study especially in engineering, can take MARA’s scholarship. That is my view on that. But the reality check is, everyone who has got a flying colours in their results, they can choose anything. Unfortunately for me, there are none scholarship offered that can help in me and my friends to further study in Arabic Language. Nevertheless, I really really hope that I’ll get a flying colours result. Insya Allah when we have straight A’s in our hand, the path becomes more easier to walk through.

Other than that, this carnival has successfully gave something. Alhamdulillah, finally I have found a scholarship for me. Guess what??. When we went to IKIP’s booth, a man came to me, he asked me whether I’m taking Arabic language or not. I said yes. There is an offer staying in IKIP for 2 years in syariah (economic and Islamic banking) and furthering study in University of Yarmouk. But then, it is on economic and financial thingy. So, I used this chance to ask him. What if I do not want to study in IKIP but then I would love to have the scholarship from Yayasan Pahang??. He said, you better go and apply for it. At last, I’ve found a tiny-minny chance for me. I think every states will their have their own yayasan right? So, better if we go there and ask them about that. Plus, to get easier, I think better if we call them first and make a clear clarify about all the scholarship offered. Insya Allah, everything will be fine as we were born in our state kan?. They will not let us down.

Not to forget MARA and JPA scholarship taw!.

I believe and pray to Allah for our success. Have faith in Him. Insya Allah, we have done our very best in SPM. With do’a, efforts, tawakkal and more do’a. He will always gives the best for us. wassalam..

06 March 2009

kisas in frame~

anybody kangan sama kisas o ustazah hayati??
meh rr lawat edu web tv..
dak2 junior gtaw eduweb dtg bwta liputan..
nmpk rr bgnn yg dah lawo..
dak2 501 taun nih interframe,..
ustazah hayati ad..
ustaz abdullah..
puan haznah..
silat n bhs arab as da main issues..


* Kolej Islam Sultan Alam Shah, Kisas melahirkan pelajar versatile yang mampu berbahasa Arab dan Inggeris. Penggunaan bahasa yang meluas dalam sistem pembelajaran dan komunikasi seharian menjadikan mereka sekolah contoh pada yang lain. Bahasa Arab dan silat adalah merupakan kebitaraan bagi sekolah kluster ini. Silat Gayung menjadikan pelajar Kisas, generasi muda yang mempunyai jati diri yang menjadi penggerak wawasan. Pelbagai usaha telah dilakukan melalui program-program bagi mempertingkatkan lagi kecemerlangan Kisas sebagai sekolah kluster.

Durasi : 30:02

bole la klik di sini..


carian: fasih arab

dan juga

carian : memartabatkan bahasa

slamat menonton..

04 March 2009

one night in da hotel~

in the name of allah the most gracious and the most merciful..
salam to all..

da title was attractfull enough?? tanx for dropping by then..

a memorable moments had just happened last night. it was da first time i spent my night with my friends in a hotel. it was MS Garden. one of da most fine hotel in Kuantan.

still remember english class in uia?? madam and her daughter, Teh Aisyah

before we dispersed, madam invited us to have one more time meeting. and this meeting was held in a hotel. yeahh. we already suggested many places to go. including going to taman negara. but then, not every parents would allow their children to go far. plus, da SPM result is going out. huuhhhh. everybody can feel da heat now.

so, madam norhayati suggested that we just stay in Kuantan and have da programme in here. that is how we end up in MS Garden. everybody arrived in da hotel around 12-1 pm. sadly, ashiq and shahmi couldnt make it. we stayed in room 417 while da boys in room 416.

kriookkk. everyone's stomach were growling. we were totally hungry. then, we straight away went to Restoran TAJ and bought some foods and drinks.

our programme would be started after asar. right after zuhur prayer, madam couldnt come. we were given task to list down things that we like and things that we dislike. madam shared an interesting handouts on "know how you learn".

last nite, we had to take dinner earlier as we were going to watch a movie entitled Changeling starring da famous actress, Angelina Jolie. da gurlz had to go to da boyz room la. madam said she didnt want us to being disturbed. cheyywaah. spesel maa. we watched da movie together wif madam.

setting up everything.

in the darkness.

da gorgeous angelina jolie.

da movie was totally great. we stopped nearly at 11.00 pm. everybody were given a freedom to do anything. da boyz, took this opprtunity to take asyraf da kelantanese for 5 years (studied in faris petra) to TC aka Teluk Chempedak. they went there by firdaus's car. somehow, amir called hajar and we could hear da breezy weezy beach. huh. wateva la mereka.

i was so discourageous as i had this flue-fever on that nite. shivering like crazy. eventhough i wore da sweater batch(promote2!). it still couldnt warm me up. i went to bed earlier than others. but then i realised that i couldnt sleep at all pon. slurping coffee on midnite was not good taw.
being an owl wif farhani and husna till 4 am. then, we went to sleep.

da next morning(today), we went for a breakfast at the hotel's restaurant. only da gurlz, as we pay more than da boys. so, they had to eat outside laa. coincidently, we finished breakfast at da same tyme. surprisingly plak, da boyz gave us their ps2 to be borrowed. so we hav some fun before da next session started, in da mean tyme we had to finish da review on changeling and some test on know yourself.

some pics
the results of da test showed that i am quite extroverted. plus, im better using my right brain than my left brain.

we end our class on 12.45 pm. madam gave us a book, a bag and a note book.
what a kind hearted woman she is. omg. i will missing those time i'd spent wif them.
tanx madam for everything, brought me back home safely and a treat for da lunch. tanx fwenz for everything, please forgive my mistakes and sins towards all of u.
its okay,insya allah we'll meet again for da certificate giving ceremony..

in this opportunity, let us view sabda from our prophet muhammad p.b.u.h about advantage in learning..

Hadith :
Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: "Sesungguhnya Malaikat-malaikat sentiasa menurunkan sayapnya (sebagai memuliakan dan menghormati) penuntut ilmu agama, kerana mereka suka dan bersetuju dengan apa yang penuntut itu lakukan."
Abu ad-Darda' r.a
