08 October 2009

perhentian i~

22 nama sudah naik di Kedutaan Malaysia di sana.
Nama-nama tersebut akan dihantar pula kepada KPT di Malaysia.
Kami harus menunggu lagi.
Moga-moga kami semua terpilih.


07 October 2009

what is the real purpose~

 Bismillahi as-salaatu was-salaamu a'la Rasoolillah

It had been several times actually I've been asked by my loved one, what is actually the purpose of blogging, facebooking, or friendstering in the Internet. Isn't it was like showing off yourself, your privacy to the public?. What is the value of sharing everything that you shouldn't have shared to the world?. Does it necessary for you to put your face everywhere in the site that can't be trusted?. When you were chatting or whatever the things that you have done in those site, have you ever thought what people will think about you?. Their perception about your personality. Beside that, you are just wasting your time.

There are no secrets in your life anymore!

Everybody knew about your sacred life!


What the price that you will get from it?




because I think I am quite guilty


For me, all those networking site that I've joined was only making sure myself updated about all my friends. What currently they are doing. More to keep in touch with everybody. So that if anything happens it is easy to call everybody. Am i right?

As for blogging, I think I would try my best posting new post that will benefit others. Eventhough sometimes the privacy about myself would be known by others.


I think Internet is a very wide site that everybody can know about everything and anything that they want to know about. Those everybody can also know about anybody that they would like to know. Maybe for a good cause or maybe for not.

Advices for myself and for you my readers,
becareful choosing the story that you are going to write, the picture that you are going to share and the information that you are going to tell.

Lastly for this post, I'm sorry for everything. Maybe you will agree with this post or maybe you will get mad and totally disagree. Its only pieces of thoughts that I've collected. Maybe you guys got ideas on how to answer back those questions?. Please kindly share your opinion with me. We can exchange the thoughts together and insya Allah we'll get benefit from it.

it's all up2u

Until then,
akane tendo

01 October 2009

haluan tersendiri..

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Hari ini 1/10/2009, kawan-kawan kiba MARA dah bertolak semalam tepat jam 11:45 malam. Pagi tadi dapat mesej jam 5:10 pagi daripada seorang sahabat, katanya dah sampai di India tadi. Mungkin transit sebentar.

Sekarang, pelajar KIBA yang masih belum terbang di angkasa, adalah pelajar Maghribi. Pelajar-pelajar Urdun dah masuk kuliah di IKIP pada 28/9 lepas. Pelajar-pelajar Mesir pula dah lama sampai pada raya ke empat.

Ada juga dapat khabar berita, kami akan berlepas pada 4/10. IKIP pula menjangkakan tarikh tersebut adalah 9/10. Kami memang menantikan tarikh yang tepat untuk ke sana. Tak kisahlah cepat atau lambat, asalkan dapat tarikh yang sudah ditetapkan. Tertunggu-tunggu sampai boleh dikatakan bak menanti dipinang orang agaknya. Bilalah aku nak kahwin?. Lebih kurang sama kan? hehehe...

Apa-apa pun persediaan masih dalam proses mengemas dan membeli. Baju yang dibawa punyalah banyak. Rasanya 20 kg masih tidak mencukupi. Betul!. Kawan-kawan MARA boleh bawa sampai 35 kg. Kawan-kawan JPA pun lebih kurang sama. Pelajar-pelajar YAYASAN PAHANG, dibenarkan hanya 20 kg. Masih musykil, tapi mungkin disebabkan faktor-faktor yang munasabah, beg kami telah dihadkan beratnya.

Memandangkan beg yang beratnya tidak boleh melebihi had, saya dan umi bercadang rempah-ratus dihantar kemudian sahaja. Sampai sahaja di sana, terus dapatkan alamat dan umi bolehlah kirimkan rempah-ratus selepas mengirim anaknya.

Harapannya, kami dapat tarikh fly secepat mungkin. Kalau diizinkan Allah, dan harapnya doa dikabulkan, nak sangat tarikh penerbangan kami jatuh pada 9/10. Lambatnya???. Saya masih nak ke KISAS, SMART dan AL-IRSYAD. Melampau tak permintaan saya? Kalau tarikhnya sudah diberitahu, mungkin reda sikit ombak risau di jiwa kami. Walakin, andai terpaksa pergi awal, apakan daya saya seorang pelajar biasa. Hanya dapat mengharap restu guru dari jauh. Aduhai...sabarlah ya menanti panggilan itu.

اذا كنت في المغرب,فلا تستغرب~

iza kunta fil maghrib, fa la tastaghrib


~Jika Kamu Berada di Maghribi, Maka Janganlah Kamu Pelik~

Pepatah arab mengenai Maghribi. Terlalu banyak agaknya kejutan, dan perka yang unik yang bakal kami lalui di sana. Mesti banyakkan bersabar, berdoa dan solat perlu di jaga. Masya Allah. Kuatkanlah diri kami semua. Ameen.