15 March 2009

mana satu nih...antara 2 + biasiswa..

berbekalkn keputusan yg ad huruf cam num 8..
(bak kate iejan)
sah2 la xley amek medic..
mmg xkn further da in sains..
sbb tuh pilih antr dua..

arabic language..

bkn tu je..
da sgt2 trsa bebanannya mencari scholarship..
oh allah..
tp xleh giv up langsung..
jgan putus asa..
mmg byk lg peluang..

arabic language aka lughah al a'rabyah
bahasa syurga,
bahasa alquran,
universiti yarmouk menjd pilihan,
siap ad gang da nk g same2..

apalagi print la form yg disediakan kt mohe.gov..
kem pengajian tinggi malaysia..
tp xpasti samaada dpt penaja o tdk..

tesl aka teaching english as a second language
bahasa kedua slps bahasa ibonda..
da isi borg mara utk tesl..
borg ipba kene beli num pin dolu kt bsn..
adeyh..xbeli2 lg..
kene beli gak n isi..
borg upu lak..
isi sume uia..peluang dlm bdg bhs nih hny utk dak sastera n bknny dak sains..
susah jugakk..
tp kateny..isi je dolu..kemudian2 bru alter kt uia sendri..
dan tggl berserah dan tawakkal..
tggu la utk 25 mac nih..

scholarship aka biasiswa
rsnya sume dok mencari la skunk nih..
as for me..n bg yg bkn nk amek medic o eng o manage
sgt2 la susah..
seb baek ad yayasan pahang..
biasiswa kecemerlangn menteri besar..
tp syarat kelayakn ny..
fuhh.. perlu diisi dgn penuh keyakinan..
biasiswa..mana lg bole dpt nih..

dan sekarang..antara dua+biasiswa..
oh allah, bantulah kami semua..
permudahkanlah jalan bg kami meneruskan impian kami semua..
tentukanlah sebaik-baiknya buat kami..

13 March 2009


tanggal 12 mac menyaksikan plbagai perkara..
mlm tuh rs xsedap badan..
xbley tido langsung..
sok pagi nya..
xde selera..
xmkn pape..
dtg skula je jump ramai kwn2 balek..
then, amek result,
dapat result je..tataw nk ckp ap..
gembira pon x, sedeyh pon x,
tapi dapat tahu kejayaan kwn2ku yg amat2 hebat sungguh membanggakan..
kolej islam sultan alam shah jugak dinobatkn top3 in sbp..
akhernya, kami dpt buktikan jugak..
meskipun resultku x sehebat kwn2 yg laen..
masih ad yg amat gumbira bg diri ini..
f1st person to call is my umi..
umi juz say 'ok,alhamdulillah'..akk ok?
2nd would be hajar
then atokku di parit tengah, johor
nenek di parit raja, johor
nenek jeritt! kakak..camne??
hepi sggh nenekku..meskipon cucuny xsehebat kwn2 laen..
owh nenek..
umi pesan salam sume cikgu..
ckp terima kasih..mnx maaf segala..
tp xramei yg ad..
lps lunch kt kantin tros balek..
xmkn ap2 pon..
mnom bandung jek..
dlm kete tnpa diduga..
saya tlah muntah2..
2 kali..
tataw nape?..
terpksa muntah dlm plastik..
sian ayah, sabar je..
xsedap bdn sggh..
dlm prjlnn telefon ayah keep ringing..
sume makcik2 tepon..
even mak teh kat ausie pon!..
trime kasih sume..
everyone was excited wif my result..
eventhough i stucked in sciences subj..
i am soooooo grateful of having such a supportive family,
umi ayah..
akk x sehebat kwn2 akk..
terima kasih atas segalanya..
12 mac hr jadi hanif gak..
mlm ny tros kuar g mkn2..
mkn 5 suap nasi dan tros xley mkn..
i gave da rest to hilmi n hanif..
today, alhamdulillah..
when i surfed in moe.gov web..
twrn kemasukan ambilan ke2 da bermula..
hanif dpt g saser! (speckie)
straight away kol umi n ayah,.
hadiah hari jadi la nmpkny..
saser..still no1 la..
but we beat them wif str8 a1..
30 for them n 32 for us..
but str8 a..
66 for them n 55 for us..
kisas num2 in sbp ranking..
still couldnt afford to beat them??
junior~ ap lagi??
skunk ni rs bebananny nk cr scholarship..
susah rasany..
but i will neva giv up..
insya allah, mn taw ad rezki kt mn2..
tahniah ea kt kwn2ku di kisas..
korg mmg superb n hebat la..
tabikk springg..
buat la klinik byk2 nnt sy g ea..
bwat yg kurg cemerlang,,
spm bkn penamat segala..
bru permulaan nih..
im gonna take either tesl or arabic language..
nk g jordan..
sampai sini saja
doakan la sy sepat sembuh..
dan dipermudahkan jalan mencari biasiswa o twrn ke u dll..

10 March 2009

ujian mendatang~

satu hari saja tinggal..

namun kami disini diuji dengan ketiadaan air.
satu kuantan xde air..
buat sahabat sekalian..
sekali nikmat tuh pergi..
bru tersedar..
air oh air..
kene tadah air la ni..
klu x..
dok hotel la jwbny..

oh allah..
bantulah kami..

09 March 2009

selawat munjiat~

salam buat semua..

Semalam ada seorang kawan baik hantar mesej kepada saya..
Dia ada tanya maksud bagi ayat ( al - aqaabat , al - aafat, dan al - a'simat )
Rupa-rupanya nenek dia suruh terjemahkan doa..
Saya pun teruslah bukak kamus berwarna kuning Al-Jadid..
Tapi saya tak jumpa maksud ( al - aafat )
Jadi saya teruslah telefon seorang sahabat al- hafizah yang mahir Bahasa Arab., 
saya tanyalah Apa maksud ( al -afaat ) 
Dia pun beleklah buku yang dia baca,.
Katanya, ( al- afaat) bermaksud musibah atau bala bencana..
Ada dalam Selawat Munjiat katanya..

itulah.. baca selawat tapi tak tahu maksud... haishhh.. = = ''

Sempena Maulud Nabi Muhammad s.a.w 
Ada kawan kita berkongsi sebuah buku bertajuk "Putera Lembah Bakkah"..
Saya pula hendak berkongsi "Selawat Munjiat"..

Memang jenis-jenis selawat yang ada..
selawat tafrijiyyah,selawat syifa' dan banyak lagi..
tapi selawat nih Special, sebab selalu dibaca didalam doa selapas baca Surah Yassin
Kita sahaja yang tak perasan..

sesiapa yang kurang jelas..
bolehlah rujuk dalam buku2 yassin..di akhir surah tu ada doa' nya..

Ya Allah, limpahkanlah sholawat atas Junjungan kami Nabi Muhammad, Sholawat yang dengan keberkatannya Engkau lepaskan kami dari segala huru hara dan bala bencana, dan (dengan keberkatannya) Engkau tunaikan bagi kami segala hajat, dan (dengan keberkatannya) Engkau sucikan kami dari segala kesalahan, dan (dengan keberkatannya) Engkau tinggikan kedudukan kami di sisiMu, dan (dengan keberkatannya) Engkau cukupkan kami dari segala kebajikan dalam hidup ini dan selepas kematian; dan juga (sholawat) ke atas ahli keluarga dan para sahabat baginda (Rasulullah SAW) dan salam sejahtera”.

munjiat atau tunjiat berasal drpd perkataan “Tunjina” atau “Tunajjina” yang bermaksud memohon atau bermunajat..

selawat ini dapat dibaca didalam doa kita selepas setiap kali puji-pujian kepada allah..

setakat ini perkongsian..

08 March 2009

kesah 7 mac~

perarakan bantahan PPSMI tlah berlangsung smlm..ikuti kesah sorg sahabat kita..meskipon xdpt pegi perarakan tersebut..tersa sungguh keperitan dek gas pemedih mata..

husna tawfiq: apsal ramai sgt demam nih ekk

sahabat: aku kena gas pemedih mata semalam

husna tawfiq: ya rabbiii..
ko g ke ???

sahabat: erm yer... aku kena rembat ngan cota

husna tawfiq: dah tuh??

sahabat: abis badan lebam2

husna tawfiq: da g klinik da??

sahabat: huhu x per
x mati lae

husna tawfiq: bia btol..
: mak taw x??

sahabat: gas tu jatuh depan aku
: huhuhu
: x pun
: aku cam nk pengsan
: pas2 fru rembat aku ngan cota then pijak kepala

husna tawfiq: bia btol..

sahabat: btol

husna tawfiq: sian ny ko..

sahabat: ~salah ke aku b`jalan sambil selawat~
: huhu

husna tawfiq: pastuh??

sahabat: anjing kerajaan=fru
: dyowang tmbak air

husna tawfiq: ad org tolong ko x??

sahabat: nant kena rembat lae la ngan polis
: huhuhu
: ramai sgt
: unit amal pas
: aku jalan ngan f.t

husna tawfiq: subhanallah..
: dy lakk..

sahabat: dya ok
: dya yg tarik aku

husna tawfiq: ko kene blasah..dy ok lakk??
: bia tol

sahabat: dya tarik aku k tmpat selamat
: ko nk dgr crte sedih x

husna tawfiq: pe dy??

sahabat: ada sowang budak 6 thn jalan ngan mak dya..sambil berselawat tetiba jer fru tembak dya ngan gas pemedih mata...huhu aku juz tolong tarik dya k tmpat slamat jer
: pas2 aku tgk muka dya merah..mata berair..hidung berair
: sian sgt

husna tawfiq: dak laki ke pomp??

sahabat: kejam la FRU
: pompuan

husna tawfiq: sian ny korg..

sahabat: pas kena gas aku cepat2 tarik kepala dya masuk dalam baju aku

husna tawfiq: apsal dahsat sgt dyorg tu?????

sahabat: erm...Anjing Kerajaan

husna tawfiq: bkn ny wat papa pon kan??
: korg just jln dyam2..

sahabat: kitowang jalan smbil berselawat

husna tawfiq: xmerusuh pom

sahabat: dyowang x suka kitowang slawat kot

husna tawfiq: hah
: yo latuh

sahabat: 5 das tembakan dilepaskan dalam masjid negara

husna tawfiq: melayu+islam=xgne!!???
: pelik la
: org sendri bwat camtuh..

sahabat: tga ready nk smyang hajat tetiba jer dyowang lepas gas dalam masjid
: huhu
: halau jemaah kuar dari masjid

husna tawfiq: iskkkk......
: geram nye ak..

sahabat: ~macam kat palestin aku rasa smlm~

husna tawfiq: xperr..

sahabat: aku nanges la gak tgk islam sama islam pun dya layan cam2

husna tawfiq: allah bersama kamu selalu..

sahabat: tp aku bangga gak coz ramai gak ex~ki turun
: huhuhu

husna tawfiq: g sorg2 jew ke??

sahabat: batch spm ** pun ramai
: aku gerak sowang jer

husna tawfiq: sape lagy??

sahabat: jalan skali ngan geng2 gapena

husna tawfiq: wooo
: pro+senior tuh..

sahabat: aku,farhan,naim,aslah...bbdk spm **
: erm...
: tah la dunia nk kiamat kot
: aku insaf sgt

husna tawfiq: mmg agakny..

sahabat: erm...

husna tawfiq: at least ko dpt mersa..
: xramei remaja sedar..

sahabat: ko x dgr crte ke sal prhmpunan smlm

husna tawfiq: dengar gakk..

sahabat: dengar mana

husna tawfiq: ak bc kt pahang daily..
: dy tunjuk gamba2..
: ak cam dpt bayangkan jek..
: pastuh bersurai camne??

sahabat: 4.15 ptg bersurai
: kehadiran lebih 150000

husna tawfiq: start pukul??

sahabat: 2 ptg
: ramai yg solat asar dulu akt masjid negara b4 balik

husna tawfiq: syabas n tahniah la kawan..

sahabat: aku tgk ramai yg solat walaupun sakit
: huhuhu
: badan merah2...
: mata berair...
: hidung berair
: hm...
: pengajaran

husna tawfiq: saketny.. maaf la ak xdpt rs..

sahabat: x per
: tp mostly mslimat uia ramai yg t`selamat dari gas tue
: erm pedih..

husna tawfiq: ooo

sahabat: kalau betul2 x tahan mmg bleyh pengsan

husna tawfiq: nnt ak plak g..

sahabat: mat sabu kenal x?

husna tawfiq: knal la..naib pres..
: nape ngn dy??

sahabat: yer..dya pengsan ble 3 das tmbakan gas dihalakan kt dya
: hampir pengsan la
: huhuhu

husna tawfiq: bia btol??????

sahabat: a.samad said kna tngkap depan istana

husna tawfiq: tangkap??

sahabat: pak samad yg umo 72 pun dyowang tngkp

husna tawfiq: dilepaskan x??

sahabat: pas2 dya lepas balik la

husna tawfiq: owhh..

sahabat: tp tua2 dya pun still kena gas bangsat tu gak

husna tawfiq: dyorg keysah pe..
: xberaty perut

sahabat: kalau ko nak tahu kekejaman kerajaan sal kes semalam
: ko buka www.tranungkite.net
: kitowang crte sume crte kat sana
: huhuhu
: ~author site nie x~ki~

husna tawfiq: http://tranungkite.net kan??
: jap2..

sahabat: geng tranung pun ramai yg cedera coz dblasah fru

husna tawfiq: ak cari..

sahabat: erm..
: forum
: tgk tjk terkini ppsmi

husna tawfiq: dah..
: mmg dahsat..

sahabat: erm...

husna tawfiq: ad org melawan x??

sahabat: sebagai pengajaran
: melawan la gak
: kitorang pukuul polis
: pas2 lari la
: hua3

husna tawfiq: brani2..

sahabat: erm..x aku hangin sebab kcu bdk2 n wanita
: ye la
: kalau tembak kitowang x per la

husna tawfiq: wahhhh

sahabat: coz leyh la tahan

husna tawfiq: hebat2,,

sahabat: bukan hebat tp leyh jd shiel la.. shield


07 March 2009

Karnival MARA~

Salam to all,.
To day I went out again with my lovely friend, Hajar. Somehow, we were wearing the same colour of shirts. Green.

We went to Kuantan Parade as the Karnival Of Mara Zon Timur was held there.

The same environment and pictures just like in UMP. But this carnival was basically about furthering study using scholarships from MARA either studying in local or oversea. From my point of view, those who love to further their study especially in engineering, can take MARA’s scholarship. That is my view on that. But the reality check is, everyone who has got a flying colours in their results, they can choose anything. Unfortunately for me, there are none scholarship offered that can help in me and my friends to further study in Arabic Language. Nevertheless, I really really hope that I’ll get a flying colours result. Insya Allah when we have straight A’s in our hand, the path becomes more easier to walk through.

Other than that, this carnival has successfully gave something. Alhamdulillah, finally I have found a scholarship for me. Guess what??. When we went to IKIP’s booth, a man came to me, he asked me whether I’m taking Arabic language or not. I said yes. There is an offer staying in IKIP for 2 years in syariah (economic and Islamic banking) and furthering study in University of Yarmouk. But then, it is on economic and financial thingy. So, I used this chance to ask him. What if I do not want to study in IKIP but then I would love to have the scholarship from Yayasan Pahang??. He said, you better go and apply for it. At last, I’ve found a tiny-minny chance for me. I think every states will their have their own yayasan right? So, better if we go there and ask them about that. Plus, to get easier, I think better if we call them first and make a clear clarify about all the scholarship offered. Insya Allah, everything will be fine as we were born in our state kan?. They will not let us down.

Not to forget MARA and JPA scholarship taw!.

I believe and pray to Allah for our success. Have faith in Him. Insya Allah, we have done our very best in SPM. With do’a, efforts, tawakkal and more do’a. He will always gives the best for us. wassalam..

06 March 2009

kisas in frame~

anybody kangan sama kisas o ustazah hayati??
meh rr lawat edu web tv..
dak2 junior gtaw eduweb dtg bwta liputan..
nmpk rr bgnn yg dah lawo..
dak2 501 taun nih interframe,..
ustazah hayati ad..
ustaz abdullah..
puan haznah..
silat n bhs arab as da main issues..


* Kolej Islam Sultan Alam Shah, Kisas melahirkan pelajar versatile yang mampu berbahasa Arab dan Inggeris. Penggunaan bahasa yang meluas dalam sistem pembelajaran dan komunikasi seharian menjadikan mereka sekolah contoh pada yang lain. Bahasa Arab dan silat adalah merupakan kebitaraan bagi sekolah kluster ini. Silat Gayung menjadikan pelajar Kisas, generasi muda yang mempunyai jati diri yang menjadi penggerak wawasan. Pelbagai usaha telah dilakukan melalui program-program bagi mempertingkatkan lagi kecemerlangan Kisas sebagai sekolah kluster.

Durasi : 30:02

bole la klik di sini..


carian: fasih arab

dan juga

carian : memartabatkan bahasa

slamat menonton..

04 March 2009

one night in da hotel~

in the name of allah the most gracious and the most merciful..
salam to all..

da title was attractfull enough?? tanx for dropping by then..

a memorable moments had just happened last night. it was da first time i spent my night with my friends in a hotel. it was MS Garden. one of da most fine hotel in Kuantan.

still remember english class in uia?? madam and her daughter, Teh Aisyah

before we dispersed, madam invited us to have one more time meeting. and this meeting was held in a hotel. yeahh. we already suggested many places to go. including going to taman negara. but then, not every parents would allow their children to go far. plus, da SPM result is going out. huuhhhh. everybody can feel da heat now.

so, madam norhayati suggested that we just stay in Kuantan and have da programme in here. that is how we end up in MS Garden. everybody arrived in da hotel around 12-1 pm. sadly, ashiq and shahmi couldnt make it. we stayed in room 417 while da boys in room 416.

kriookkk. everyone's stomach were growling. we were totally hungry. then, we straight away went to Restoran TAJ and bought some foods and drinks.

our programme would be started after asar. right after zuhur prayer, madam couldnt come. we were given task to list down things that we like and things that we dislike. madam shared an interesting handouts on "know how you learn".

last nite, we had to take dinner earlier as we were going to watch a movie entitled Changeling starring da famous actress, Angelina Jolie. da gurlz had to go to da boyz room la. madam said she didnt want us to being disturbed. cheyywaah. spesel maa. we watched da movie together wif madam.

setting up everything.

in the darkness.

da gorgeous angelina jolie.

da movie was totally great. we stopped nearly at 11.00 pm. everybody were given a freedom to do anything. da boyz, took this opprtunity to take asyraf da kelantanese for 5 years (studied in faris petra) to TC aka Teluk Chempedak. they went there by firdaus's car. somehow, amir called hajar and we could hear da breezy weezy beach. huh. wateva la mereka.

i was so discourageous as i had this flue-fever on that nite. shivering like crazy. eventhough i wore da sweater batch(promote2!). it still couldnt warm me up. i went to bed earlier than others. but then i realised that i couldnt sleep at all pon. slurping coffee on midnite was not good taw.
being an owl wif farhani and husna till 4 am. then, we went to sleep.

da next morning(today), we went for a breakfast at the hotel's restaurant. only da gurlz, as we pay more than da boys. so, they had to eat outside laa. coincidently, we finished breakfast at da same tyme. surprisingly plak, da boyz gave us their ps2 to be borrowed. so we hav some fun before da next session started, in da mean tyme we had to finish da review on changeling and some test on know yourself.

some pics
the results of da test showed that i am quite extroverted. plus, im better using my right brain than my left brain.

we end our class on 12.45 pm. madam gave us a book, a bag and a note book.
what a kind hearted woman she is. omg. i will missing those time i'd spent wif them.
tanx madam for everything, brought me back home safely and a treat for da lunch. tanx fwenz for everything, please forgive my mistakes and sins towards all of u.
its okay,insya allah we'll meet again for da certificate giving ceremony..

in this opportunity, let us view sabda from our prophet muhammad p.b.u.h about advantage in learning..

Hadith :
Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: "Sesungguhnya Malaikat-malaikat sentiasa menurunkan sayapnya (sebagai memuliakan dan menghormati) penuntut ilmu agama, kerana mereka suka dan bersetuju dengan apa yang penuntut itu lakukan."
Abu ad-Darda' r.a


01 March 2009

Karnival UPU~

salam..on 1st march 2009..i had so much fun today..promised wif hajar to go UMP on 10 am..suddenly adilah called..she said that she wanted to go there with me..i said..ok..its great..
straight away charged da camera's battery..waiting for adilah to arrive..i made a drink for her..hu3..but then..when she arrived..
i forgot EVERYTHING..
No Camera to UMP..
No drink was served..
Husna..u're such forgotfull..
Its soooo great to be with my soul mates..
Then..when we stepped in to da hall..hajar n adilah shouted..
i said..
there...they pointed to me..still..i didnt see him..
no doubt la he is a cute-small-pint sized man..
being so attractfull until crowded with many people..juz like an artist maa..
but then..gurls..let us proceed..i said..
soo wandering la to all da booths..so many booths..as far as my eyes could see..

but then..
so..cant picture that place well..sadly..
to kisasianz..
guess what..we met our SUPER SENIOR! he was a lecturer and 1 of da moderator in IPTIPs
we went there..then there's a man came to us..he asked.."skula mana nih??
"abang nih KISAS gak.."
he patted on somebody..a nice-songkok man headed to us..
"KISAS gak ke..?"yeah..said me n adilah..
funny..he didnt say anything bout his booth..he was in 509..spm 2000..
he asked n asked bout KISAS..so..we said everything that we knew..
all da controversial happened..
yet..we didnt asked his name..excited maybe..
pity for hajar,,she was liked startled for a while..ha-ha-ha..sorry hajar..i think maybe it'll happened..everytime..when senior n junior met..
agaknya la..
double combo for a day..i met irsyadianz..
adilah said to me.."isnt,that kamil over there??"
but then its turned out to be
Fahmi, Asyraf n Hassan wif their skulmates..
i told them bout yaumul ihtifal yesterday..
then we chatted for a while..and continue wandering
plus..not to forget alia n azza n farahin..and many samrtians there..met n greet n left..
we took last view on DR FAIZ KHALED..adilah didnt wastes her time without snapping da doctor's picture..such a memorable moment..for hajar n adilah laa kan??..
one thing that attracted us was UPNM..
for us it was great..elaun for every month..hmm..nearly a thousands..
and da only university in malaysia that contained more MEN than WOMEN
trust me..she said so..
da sister PHEI described everything..tanx sis..
before we headed back..we bought some snacks n beverages..ayah n hulwa waited for us outside..so..we headed back home..
hajar n adilah tanx a lot for da great day..
7 n 8 of march kuantan parade..karnival mara plak..
kp..wait for us..
insya allah we will go there..
that's all for now.


28/2 :yaumul ihtifal+mega mall

yesterday n 2day was a tiring-full of activity day for me..
but then,it was thrilling bcoz i got da chanced to meet
my teachers n fwenz from irsyad!!

ooo yaa..
yaumul ihtifal is like certificate giving ceremony..
i went there wif syafika..
my fwen in irsyad..

irsyad had changed a lot compared to our days..
da painted buildings..
extra-big- new surau..
and many more..

but da lovely muallim n muallimah still there..
well..not all of them laa..
but then, they're we soo awet muda..
anyhow..i respect their courageous spirit teaching students there..
with da unpredictable salary they got..
they depending on the parents whether they pay the fee or not..
yes..not all of them are able and afford to do so..
yet,,they want their children to have the islamic introduction in life..
sekolah rendah islam al-rsyad kuantan..
one of the best resort..

i have 7 siblings..
6 of them including me studied in that school..
that noble place was memorable for me and others..
eventhough we were too young..
but after 5 years apart..
when we meet da old-long time no see frenz..
its speechless..
everybody seemed to be so-so-so diffrent..
i dont know..
for me..yes..

here some pics from a day in irsyad..
it will tell everything..


rabiautul(tmn islam tganu),
zulaiha(sma irsyad),
kautsar(sma irsyad),
sarah(sma irsyad),
syafika(sma ihsan),
khairunnisa(sm teknik bentong)
me??(kisas la..)

hanis got da first place in 3 ruqayyah class..
hannan got da 2nd place in 1 abu bakr..

dearies hanis n hannan..cleverer than i am..hu3..

sharp on 1015 am i had to go..
my last english class awaiting for me..
unfortunately, madam was late..
sadly for her, she's having a strong fever,
she had to went for the doctor first then to uia..

amir came out with an idea saying about da trip..
he wanted us to go to his house..
but as i expented and already told them bout this..
it was a NO from my parents laa..
then..madam arrived, she lost her voice..
oh..im so pity for her..

syafika joined our class that day..
farhani was soo not in da mood..
so..we went to mega mall..
wandering around in kurungs..
we walked from uia to mega..
fuhhh..bole kurus lama-lama..
its okay for us..

you know..
not everyday we got da chance to go out wif each other kan??
wanted to watch UPIN IPIN..
sadly..it was on 430 pm..
dont want la go back home late..
soo..as to fullfill the tiredness..
we went for a chinesse movie..
humour-action movie kinda..

then we went home wif hajar's parents..
they're soo cool..
lifting us until infront of our house..
eventhough it was tiring..
it was paid..


27 February 2009

ampun maaf dipinta..

i dedicate
this post to all my family, teachers and fwens..

last night im having a dream of us (dak kisas) being in d
a dewan besar or also known as dewan muttaqin muthaqqafin *as told by azim...
still echoing in my mind that puan haznah was giving a speech..
and da words were like these.."pada tahun lepas KISAS berada di tangga 1,2,3 dalam sbp.."
oohh..i just cant get it out of my mind..
i dont know why..
not to mention meeting da twin (nabilah n nabihah too)..
they came to my house..somehow, they chat wif me too..and its seem so real.

huh..i dont know..

but then, i was thinking this again n again n again..
i want to say "I'M SORRY" to all..

to da greatest family of all..
umi n ayah..
hanif, hilmi, huda, hani, hannan, hulwa..

im always grateful of having a great family..
somehow i will always be a troublesome..
but juz to let u know..
i will neva giv up being an anak solehah n kakak yg baek..
i will try my best till da last breath..
i luv all of u..n always pray for me..
pliz forgive my stupidity n mistakes that i've done..
again n again n again..
may allah bless us all forever


to all dedicated teachers n staffs..
Tadika Umi Walidah..
u taught me to read, count, n tipz on how to live usefully..
patiently teaching me..
there is no wrds 4 me to describe..
pliz forgive me n pray 4 ur students' success..
may allah bless all of u..


to all my luvely fwens mslmn Boyn mslmt Girl 1....

before its too late for me.. i wud luv to ask for ur apologies..yeahh.. i really mean it..and i dedicate this to all..kisasians o smartians o irsyadians o my bloggers fwenz plus anybody who recognize me..through these unforgettable years that we've spent together..i know that im such a lousy fwenThumbs Down..
and i know sometimes n somehow i am so irritatingFrown t
o all of u..

xspecially those who had been my classmates..
ey knew really-really-know..
who am i..
click me ..

always sneezing n disturbing evrybody..

im sorry..
and i wud love to dedicate my appreciationsRaining Hearts to all for always-always being such nice-great fwens to me..
tanx for teaching n showing me my mistakes and neva giv up to tell me da truth..eventhough its hurt me n made me cried Teary.. i really appreciate that..seriously..and
its truly useful enough for me to proceed my life wif experiences and maturity..insya allah, i'll always remember..

before this i had noI Dunno idea why they're keep saying bout ukhwah fillah..but now i know..when we kept thinking Ponderand appreciating including missing each other..plus, when da fwen reminding us to our almighty and get closer to him, i guess thats describe what ukhwah fillah mean..but, hey..everybody hav their own thoughts bout fwenship rite??

babbling enough i think..tanx 4 reading.,and do remember.. i am really-really-really serious about da apology thingy..pliz forgiv me k..and halalkn mknChicken Wings minomSoda Cup too
(dunno how to say in eng)..
and i warn u to neva eva forget me ..

or else..
hu3..juz kiddin..

here are da lists of..

my luvly sooul mates..
hajar n i

alia, adila, mua

hamizah n me

hajar, fatimah, khairunnabilah, adilah, alia, hamizah z(mua cousin)
we had started not knowing each other..
and we didnt plan it to be like this..
but through obstacles n hard time of my life..u'll always show da way..
and through happiness n secrtess..we'll share together..
tanx accepting me..
da real me..
for who i am..

my dormmates for life (dfl) dearies for life
amira, alia, nik laila, farah, huda, wana, insyirah, fatimah, mahirah, ain, liyana, haida-dada, sharifah rodziah, syazwani, adila, akma yana, siti juwairyah, farahin-pain, nadhirah, ainina..
i wil neva-eva-eva forgett all of u..
tanx 4 avrything!!
yeahh..those sweet moments we shared together in huda's house da fighting2..da crying2 together..
made me even mature..
im soooo sorry for being a terrible k-d..
luv all till da end~

my luvly classmates..403 n 503
all mslmn 503+mslmn 403..
atiqah, syara, mija, isma, farihah, sabrina, ct zulaiha, saadiah, rifhannisa, syurah, aisyah, wana, khairunnabilah, nazierah, hawa, wina, mahirah, rabihah, imtinan..
wud be da wildest class in kisas..
my classmates were soo speciall..
ive learned many things from them too..
yeahh..they know who i am in da class..
da sneezy thingy..
sorry bout that..
tanx for evrything too..
pliz forgive all my silly mistakes

to all mslmt kisas

xspecially to prefects board, khalidians..
i am not a good prefect n many times made mistakes..
neither a good fwen too..
but all of u had taught me da real ukhwah fillah..
may our fwenship lasts forever..n forgive me for all my mistakes..

beloved partner, adek n akk usrah..
kak fatihah jumidi, siti faridah (p), sabariah, sarah n dayah~
da spices that add goodness in life..
having all of u give me a chance to become better..

pani n husna..hu3..eng class in uia was soo memorable
all of u simply da best laa~
not forgetting hajar,
amir, asyraf, firdaus, harith, shahmi, ashiq
madam hayati..
till we meet again~

to all mslmn kisas..
eventhough i do not recognize all of u..vice versa..not many of u noe me..but then, i do made a lot of mistakes to all of u.. all da misunderstood, quarelled that mayb ocurred was so precious..
tanx n forgive me..

to all smartians..
smart taught me alia n adila on how to survive in da real world..
we r lucky for having da great 3 years there..
classmates in 1d,2d,3g..
especially aliah, fatin n, ahla, fatin s, syepah, sab, huda, saiyodah sara, nabilah, fatienah, shakirah, atiyah, azierah, n all da boys
really great knowing all of u..
forgive me too..

to irsyadians..
we were soo young b4 this..
but i hope..we'll neva forget each other..

tank-q for reading..
may our ukhwah n mahabbah lasts for ever..
n may allah bless us all..
and i pray to allah for rahmah n maghfirah showering us all..
luv all..Morphing Heart


p/s: neva stop praying for others too..may success be wif us fiddunya wal akhiroh..insya allah..

25 February 2009

hati kita~

dipetik drpd mjlh SOLUSI-isu no4
Beating Heart

buat renungan bersama
Valentine mechanical
kata Imam Ghazali: "Carilah hatimu sewaktu membaca al Quran. Jika kamu tidak temui, carilah hatimu ketika mengerjakan solat. Jika kamu tidak temui, carilah hatimu ketika duduk bertafakur mengingati mati. Jika kamu tidak temui jua, berdoalah kepada Allah, pinta hati yang baru..."


jangan berlengah lagi..

salam buat semua..
mari klik di sini utk terus ke..

Laman Web Rasmi Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi

atau klik terus di sini..

Laman Web Rasmi Kemasukan Ke Ipta

mulakan dengan bismillah..
isilah dengan bijaksana dan berhati-hati.
(skema sggh!)